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Sure, I could list the times I built an IKEA dresser in less than an hour, or how I was today-years-old when I found the arrow in the FedEx logo, or even share my secret margarita recipe.  I could also tell you that I have made extraordinary four course meals using only a toaster oven.  Or that occasionally I tread water for three days in a row.


No.  This page isn't for all that (let's save all that for the autobiography) 


Instead, all you really need to know is that I dodge, I weave and on weekends I let off steam by showing homes.  Some would call me daring or adventurous.  I just call this a way of life.


Speaking of how great I am, I once trekked 100km through the Sahara-Freaking-Desert and together we  raise much needed awareness and $11,600 for the Shelter Foundation.


This year, on top of raising money, awareness, training and actually making it through the challenge, I have to face my fear of 'things". creepies, crawlers, really bugs of any kind. I also hate getting my hair wet (apparently it rains in the mountains) Oh, and the wind. I really hate the wind.


Thank you in advance for all your support!

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Last year I put my money where my mouth is and was recognized as one of the top 1% donors to the Shelter Foundation.


Can we do it again?


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